When should you be specific?

Be specific when someone asks you what’s wrong.

Be specific about your feelings regarding someone else. Don’t lead someone on by intentionally being vague.

Be specific in your assignments and reports. Professors and teachers like to have a lot of detail supporting your claims/arguments.

Be specific about what your rules are with your children. Let them know what is acceptable and what is not.


3 thoughts on “When should you be specific?

  1. Naomi Byrnes says:

    I found myself nodding enthusiastically as I read. Have you ever come across Marshall Rosenberg’s book, Nonviolent Communication? He makes such a powerful case for being specific about what we are talking about, and what we are asking of ourselves and others. So many times I find that when I’m in conflict with others, getting specific helps me get calm and clear … and then I might even start to see from their perspective too … and then this magical common ground emerges.

    Liked by 1 person

    • dailythoughts says:

      No, but I definitely will check the book out. The art of communication is more nonverbal than verbal and I’ve learned that the best presentations are those where the presenter can clearly assess how the audience is responding to him and can change his style accordingly.

      Liked by 1 person

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